Tuesday, February 5, 2019

5 Tech Trends For 2019

Technology has moved along in leaps and bounds and there are some amazing things waiting for us in 2019.

Image courtesy: www.pixabay.com 

Here are 5 tech trends to look out for in 2019:

Smart Homes
Pretty soon you will be able to have some amazing tech in your own home. From devices that run your washing machine for you to even being able to set your aircon while you are at work.

Prepare yourself for a jump to light speed when 5G arrives in South Africa. 5G will allow for smart homes and smart cities which will ensure better connections and faster download speeds. Expect high speeds which will allow you to download a 1Gig file in 1 second.

Foldable Devices
If you have ever seen the TV Show ‘Westworld’ you will know what I mean. Expect to see devices that you can fold or make bigger. This gives you the option of using a device like a tablet and then switching it to a mobile device afterwards. At the moment Samsung and Huawei are close to announcing release dates on these devices.

Drone Photography
Drones have been around for a while now but expect more and more people to use them for photography and videography. If you are looking for a new career start getting a drone, get your licence and start a whole new career. I bet you never thought 10 years ago that a Drone Photographer would be a new career option. Drones are going to be used more and more in films and television as the costs come down.

The Cellphone TV Remote
More and more mobile devices are now offering the option of being able to use them as a TV remote. So ditch the remote and use your mobile. Already YouTube has an offering of being able to watch YouTube on your SmartTV. All you need is a Wi-Fi enabled TV to connect to your mobile device.
For more info on remote control options on your mobile visit:

This edition by Fred Felton | Twitter @fredfelton 

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