Thursday, April 9, 2015

Digital Marketing Workshop For Cape Town

The Worlds Leading Exponents on Digital Marketing

  • Would you like to grow your business with free marketing opportunities?
  • Would you like to learn how Social Media can make a real difference to your bottom line?
  • Would you like to take full advantage of the Internet Age?
  • Would you like to "BREAKOUT" of the chains that are holding your business back?
If you have answered "YES" to any of the questions above you should attend the Digital Marketing for Leading Business "Breakout" session.

The PSASA is proud introduce you to five International Speakers from four continents around the World who will help you grow your business using the tools that are available to all of us. How ever you want to refer to the changes that have already taken place in recent years to our marketing, this is the conference you want to attend in order to learn how to make it work for you, your business and your bank balance.
Only R950 per delegate including a buffet lunch (R450 for PSASA members).

5 of the best speakers on various issues around digital or online marketing, speaking live via Skype at the PSASA pre-convention meeting on the morning ofFriday 17th April.

The line up for the morning is as follows:

Alan Stevens (MC) - UK
Rebecca Morgan - USA
Ian Brodie - UK
Arthur Goldstuck - RSA
Gihan Perera - Australia
Bob Urichuck - Canada

Protea Hotel, Breakwater Lodge 1895 Portswood Rd, Green Point, Cape Town, 8051
Friday 17 April 2015 8 am - 12.15 pm ·
Lunch and Refreshments included
Only R950 per delegate (20% discount for 4 or more people)
(R450 for members of PSASA)
RSVP to Simone Scholtz at or 071 670 2168.